Today and Every Day I Stand for Science!
Many dedicated researchers/educators/scientists attended @standupforscience2025 rallies all around the country today to protest funding cuts, illegal firings, and censorship of scientists. In response to the attacks, one of the most important things we can do is to visually show that science has strong support in this country, so please join the cause!
My painting "Evidence Based Science" is in the collection of the esteemed Dr. AfAf Meleis: Professor of Nursing and Sociology and Dean Emerita at @uofpenn where she served from 2002 through 2014. This followed her 34-year tenure as a nursing faculty professor at @uclanursing and @ucsfnurse
#science #medicine #health #publichealth #environment #climatechange #standupforscience #nursing #art #artandsocialjustice